BaySpec’s SuperGamut™ series dispersive NIR spectral engines are designed to meet real-world challenges for best-in-class performance, long-term reliability, compact size and ultra-low power consumption. Benefiting from experience manufacturing high-volume optical channel performance monitoring devices for the telecommunications industry, BaySpec’s NIR spectral devices utilize low-cost field proven components. For the first time in instrumentation history an affordable, accurate and ruggedized spectral device is a reality.
The SuperGamut™ Series employs a highly efficient Volume Phase Grating (VPG™) as the spectral dispersion element and an ultra-sensitive InGaAs array detector as the detection element, thereby providing high-speed parallel processing and continuous spectrum measurements. As an input, the device uses an optimized objective lens based on customer’s field-of-view preferences. The signal is spectrally dispersed with the VPG™ and the diffracted field is focused onto an InGaAs array detector. The control electronics read out the processed digital signal to extract required information. Both the raw data and the processed data are available to the host.
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