(408) 512-5928

Optical Spectrum Analyzer – C/L band

Optical Spectrum Analyzer - CL BandProduct Overview:

BaySpec’s IntelliGuard™ optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) is an embedded, integrated spectrum analyzer delivering precise measurement and powerful processing capabilities for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) applications.

The device covers C and/or L band wavelength ranges and provides simultaneous measurements of up to 160 channels spaced 50 GHz apart. High reliability (GR-1209/1221 qualified) is achieved through a rugged mechanical design with no moving parts. Periodic calibration is not required. Input/output (I/O) is provided through a dual port RAM interface accessed through ADD/DAT bus direct connection or serial (RS232 or USB) communications.

The IntelliGuard™ OSA employs a highly efficient volume phase grating (VPG®) as the spectral dispersion element and an ultra-sensitive InGaAs array detector, thereby providing high-speed parallel processing and continuous spectral measurement. As an input, the device uses a tapped signal from the main data transmission link through a single mode fiber, then collimates it with a micro lens. The signal is spectrally dispersed with the VPG®, and the diffracted field is focused onto an InGaAs array detector. The control electronics read out the processed digital signal to extract required information. Both the raw data and the processed data are available to the host through the chosen interface.

For more details, please inquire with sales@bayspec.com

Optical Spectrum Analyzer - CL Band

Key Features

  • Real-time, <1 ms response time for raw data
  • Remote gain equalization of DWDM networks based on optical power or OSNR
  • High dynamic range: 50 dB
  • High reliability: no moving parts and GR-1209/1221 qualified
  • Athermal design for ultra-low power consumption
  • Compact for new system space-constrained environments; 68 x 96 x 15.8 mm
  • Legacy designs available upon request