(408) 512-5928

Breeze™ - IS Handheld VIS-NIR-SWIR Spectrometer

Handheld spectrometer equipped integrating sphere

Breeze-ISProduct Overview:

BreezeTM - IS, the integrating sphere equipped model is a prominent upgrade for all BreezeTM series handheld spectrometers. The BreezeTM - IS model only slightly increases the size but empowers the device to provide much more accurate and detailed spectral information. The IS model can measure diffuse reflection of a material’s sur­face and average all angles of illumination. Featuring proprietary miniaturized optics, BreezeTM - IS acquires maximum sensitivity and ultrafast acquisition with only one-button operation in your hand. Just as other BreezeTM smart handheld portable spectrometers, the BreezeTM - IS model was built as a user-central product. The fully automatic spectrum analysis requires none of training and any technical background and strips out the cost of and logistics chore for lab test outsourcing. The measurement operations are controlled by any smartphone, which are connected to a Cloud based database. This handheld device can perform spectroscopic analysis at anytime and anywhere. It is an ideal solution for all on-site chemicals analysis applications, such as illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, explosives, biological warfare agents, cannabis, plastic, and food.

For more details, please inquire with sales@www.bayspec.com


Key Features


  •  Handheld device with ONLY ONE BUTTON operation
  • Full VIS - NIR to SWIR wavelength coverage from 400 – 1700 nm
  • Ultrafast and maximum sensitive acquisition
  • Wireless device with Bluetooth connectivity and equipped internal broadband light source, rechargeable Li-ion battery, and integrating sphere built in
  • Easy spectrum analysis and management with app “LightSpec” and Cloud-based database
  • User-friendly with none of required any technical background and training
  • Automatically adjusted integration time and supports sample averaging
  • No-third party hardware, everything in BaySpec “Breeze™-IS Smart Handheld Portable Spectrometers” package
  • Easy-access hardware buttons ergonomically arranged on device
λ Ranges (nm)400-1000400-1700 900-1700
Resolution (nm)~5-7 nm~7-12 nm~10-12 nm
Dimensions (mm)165 x 70 x 55165 x 70 x 55140 x 55 x 50
Weight (g)435460405