(408) 512-5928

Nunavut™ CCD Camera

Deep or soft cooled UV – VIS – NIR camera

Nunavut CCD CameraProduct Overview:

Nunavut™ charge-coupled device (CCD) camera series cover from ultraviolet to near-infrared (UV - NIR) with high sensitivity from 200 - 1100 nm. Benefits include advanced - 60℃ air deep cooling technology, the detector can operate in an extremely stable temperature environment and low dark current. Close relative to our NIR – SWIR InGaAs cameras, the Nunavut™ camera family is low power consumption and cost with top performance in terms of sensitivity and dynamic range. Nunavut deep / soft cooled silicon-based CCD camera employs the high reliability and field-proven opto-electronic components to bring you maximized sensitivity at a very competitive price. When matched to BaySpec Raman or UV-VIS-NIR spectrograph you have a high performance, durable, compact, and cost-effective spectroscopic instrument. Each camera is calibrated in the factory after extensive thermal cycling. The control electronics read out the processed digital signal to extract required information. Optimal cooling of the detector arrays allows for greatly improved low-light spectral measurements and reduced dark noise, which is the ideal solution for many types of applications, low light NIR spectroscopy, laser light measurement, fluorescence imaging and Raman spectroscopy.

For more details, please inquire with sales@bayspec.com

Nunavut CCD Camera

Key Features


  • Covers wavelength ranges 200-1100nm
  • Hermetic sealing ensures reliable operation in harsh environments
  • Thermoelectric (air) deep-cooling to -60°C
  • Water cooling optional for -100°C
  • Low power consumption
  • Single 5-volt power supply design
  • Real-time data acquisition
ModelNunavut™ CCD cameraNunavut™ InGaAs camera
λ Range (nm)200 – 1100 | 400 – 1100900 – 1700 | 1000 – 2200 | 1000 – 2500
Integration Time (sec)5ms – 30 | 10µs – 3005ms – 30 | 5ms – 30 | 5ms – 300
Sensor resolution2048 x 64 /14µ | 1024 x 256 /26µ512 or 1024 /25µ 256 /50 µ | 256 /50 µ 512 /25µ | 256 /50 µ
Dimension (mm)118 x 118 x 162118 x 118 x 162

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