(408) 512-5928

BaySpec to Exhibit at Scix/FACSS 2015 (Booth #30)

SCIX 2015 Logo

BaySpec will be exhibiting at the upcoming SciX/FACSS meeting, September 27- October 3, 2015 in Providence, RI, booth 30.

We will be giving 2 invited talks and 2 posters:

  • "Advances in Applications of Handheld/Portable Spectrometers" session, Tues., Sept. 29th 1:20-3:00 pm.
  • "Mass Spectrometry in Forensics", Tues., Sept. 29th, 1:20-3:00 pm.
  • Poster titled "Multi-wavelength Dispersive Raman Spectrometer and Microscope for Non-destructive Pharmaceutical Ingredient Analysis", Wed., Sept. 30th, 11:00 am-noon, 3:00-3:50 pm.
  • Poster titled "New Applications Enabled by Ultra-miniaturized Hyperspectral Imagers" to be presented Thurs., Oct. 1st 11:00 am-noon, 3:00-3:50 pm.

Come by our booth for discussions and a free gift.

Link to Final Program
